A dream come true for dreamwear!


Have you ever wondered who captures our beautiful imagery for our website and social channels? Our photos are inspirational yet accessible, shot with natural lighting, perfect for the gram and helping you find your perfect size on the website. We can’t wait to introduce you to the woman behind all of our photoshoots in Vancouver, Iulia.

She brings so much personality, fun, and professionalism to each shoot. Not only behind the camera but in front of it as well! She’s always up for a challenge and gives every shoot her all. We can’t say enough great things about her! We hope our #smashtessfam loves the force behind the camera as much as we do!

Iulia Smash+Tess photographer

How did you get into photography?

Photography has always been my favourite hobby ever since I can remember. I loved photographing anything from nature, cool places on my travels, to candid moments hanging out with friends. In 2013 I decided I wanted to try to turn my hobby into a career and I’m so glad I did! I’m self-taught and I feel like I’m still always learning and love every second of it!

What is your favourite part of doing the photography for Smash + Tess?

My favourite part is getting to be creative and creating with a fun and inspiring team! I love working with every single person on our ‘Photoshoot Crew’ and I’m so fortunate that I get to call this work - truly!!! Grateful to be able to work for such an amazing and innovative company that believes in me and appreciates me.

What’s one of your secrets for creating such beautiful images?

I would have to say adaptability. I love the challenge of working with different spaces and light scenarios, while at the same time keeping my images consistent rain or shine! Also, showcasing the clothing and people in the best possible way.

What is your favourite collection you’ve shot so far with Smash + Tess

That’s a hard one! If I had to pick, it would probably be the recent Hilary Duff Collaboration! Such an exciting collab with so many cute pieces! 

We love all the photos you take of our #smashtessfam! What are your tips for making people feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera

Thank you so much! I always try my best to have a very laid-back approach when it comes to working with people and try to make them feel comfortable being photographed. Because my favourite images tend to be the candid ones, while I shoot, I try to have conversations with the people in front of my camera and so I focus a lot on their reactions and photograph those in between, organic moments.

You’ve also been in front of the camera for S+T and so has your adorable daughter Bella! What has the experience been like?

Yes! It was actually a lot of fun for me, even though I usually prefer to be behind the camera. Bella loves to be a part of our shoots and she always has so much fun with it, love seeing her playful personality when I photograph her. Takes bring your kid to work day to a whole new level! 🤣

Iulia Smash+Tess photographer

You’re originally from Romania! What was the transition of moving to Vancouver like for you?

I am! I moved to Canada from Romania when I was 20 so the first year was pretty hard because I had to leave most of my family and all my friends behind and start a new life here. But now, I feel like home is where my husband, Shawn, and daughter, Bella, are, so I’m very happy to be here! I stay in touch with my aunties and friends through social media. We send each other photos and catch up often.

What do you miss most about Romania? What do you love most about Vancouver?

I miss my family and friends who still live there, we don’t get to visit that often. Hopefully, we will get to go visit soon, once we’ll be allowed to travel again so that my family and friends can meet Bella and of course I can’t wait for her to see where I was born and grew up.

What I love most about Vancouver are the new family and friendships I was able to make and also the fact that I’m able to do what I love for a living here!

What does your ultimate Sunday look like?

It would have to be a little road trip with Shawn and Bella with a good 90s playlist as the soundtrack! Especially miss that now, since we haven’t really been able to do that in a while.

Fave pump-up song?

Republica - Ready To Go

What does being a part of the #smashtessfam mean to you?

To me, it means being a part of an inclusive and loving community where everyone is welcome - Feeling like you belong and you’re amongst friends!

Where is your dream location for Smash + Tess to shoot a collection with Iulia? Leave your comment below!

By Smash+Tess

In the article

Sunday Romper in Midnight Black
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