holly horvath of teach me style wearing a smash + tess romper


A dream come true for dreamwear!

Meet Holly Horvath - Lifestyle blogger, full-time teacher and all-around superwoman.

With back-to-school (whatever that may look like for you!) just around the corner, we know that there are so many unknowns for parents and teachers alike. We’ve partnered with our friend Holly Horvath of Teach Me Style (@teachme_style) to give all the incredible teachers in our communities some love.

And to show our hardworking educators how much they mean to us, we are offering a special 20% teacher discount for the entire month of September! Head to this page to learn more.

Holly is a teacher heading back to school this September. Ashley, a former teacher herself, had a chance to catch up with Holly to get her insights on this back-to-school season, and learn a bit more about her too!

holly horvath of teach me style wearing a smash + tess romper

Ashley: As you may know, I was a high school teacher for 10 years! This time of year is always full of so much anticipation as teachers gear up for the new school year. With the added layer of COVID-19, how are you feeling? 

Holly: First of all, I am a bit of a creep and I did know that! When I first reached out to you MANY years ago to see if we could collaborate, I believe it was in 2016, I was doing some research about the company and found that out - I LOVE that... teachers RULE! 

You know, I am still SO excited. Perhaps it's because I took a year off and I have missed it every single day since closing room 303 at my old school. I freaking love teaching. It is such a passion of mine. 

Of course, I love the teaching part of it (there honestly is nothing more rewarding than hearing a child read for the first time, oh wow... I could cry thinking about it) but the part I thrive on is the relationships with the kids, and this year more than ever that is going to be the focus. Making sure these kids feel safe and loved has always been a priority of mine, but it is hands down my top priority now. 

They have been through so much this last year and so I am looking forward to fostering those relationships. Of course, the curriculum is important but the priorities of school have shifted this year and I am excited about the challenge. 

Ashley: What advice would you give parents who are uneasy about sending their kids back to school? 

Holly: This is a tough question for me to answer because I don't have children of my own, but I of course understand the concern. My advice would be to listen to their intuition about it. If sending your child to school doesn't feel right, look into other options that your division may be providing.

If school feels right or is the only option for your family right now, I would encourage them to teach their child about wearing a mask. How to put it on, why it's important not to touch it, why you shouldn't share it. I don't know if masks are mandatory in all school divisions right now but it is a possibility that may happen and preparing your child for that transition will make it easier on them, you, and the teachers! 

Also, your kids will take on your emotions about it. If you’re feeling anxious and scared the chances are they will be too. I know it’s hard but try to be positive going into the year - show excitement and positivity towards the new school year and that will be passed onto them! 

Ashley: After a long day of teaching, I would always blast old school 90’s jams on my drive home and sing as loud as possible! What is your go-to way to unwind after a day of teaching? 

Holly: Silence. Haha! Honestly, most days I turn off the radio and drive home to the sound of silence. I teach a grade one/two split class and it is loud in there. The ride to school though, much different... Cardi B pump up jams all day!! 

Ashley: What advice would you give to your fellow teachers during this time? 

Holly: Breathe and take it one day at a time. School WILL be different but we are not the only ones dealing with changes. The entire globe is dealing with this pandemic. It will be hard but we are teachers and adapting is what we do best. Give yourself, the parents, and your students grace. This is going to be challenging there is no doubt about it, but we are in this together and we will get through.  

holly horvath of teach me style wearing a smash + tess romper

Ashley: How do you balance being a teacher and a lifestyle blogger? 

Holly: Coffee... lots and lots of coffee. 

Ashley: Who inspires you? 

Holly: This is tough to just choose one! But if I did it would have to be my mom. I dream of being a mom one day and when I do I want to be the exact type of mother she is. She is my best friend but also knows when to be a hard ass on me. She pushes me when I need to be pushed but catches me when I've fallen from going too hard. I really don't know how she does it. 

Of course, Jillian Harris is a big inspiration to me when it comes to blogging and running a business. The girl is an energizer bunny and seems to do it all yet always makes time for charity events and things that are close to her heart! (I told you I couldn’t pick just one)

Ashley: Fave place to rock your romper? 

Holly: The airport... ah, I miss travelling! Also, I love running my weekend errands in my romper! 

Ashley: Desert Island Beauty Product? 

Holly: Lipgloss. Nothing is more frustrating than dry lips. Haha, can you tell I am from Saskatchewan where it is dry and cold as all hell!?

Ashley: What's your newest fave Fall trend? 

Holly: I would have to say house dresses. I love looking cute but being comfortable!  Perhaps that's why I'm a ride or die Smash + Tess babe!  


Holly also wanted to help her fellow teachers out by teaming up with Dizzy Ozzy, a Teachers Pay Teachers creator and we have made a FREE teacher planner! This is the second year she’s done it and everyone seems to love it. It is just a small thank you for all the teachers who follow her. The only thing you need to do is sign up for her email newsletter and then it's emailed to you!

By Smash+Tess

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