A dream come true for dreamwear!

The holiday season is in full swing already (where did the time go!?). Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or nothing at all - the usual Holiday Season of spending time with your friends and family will be a bit different this year. Don’t fret! There’s  no need to lose your holiday cheer!

With the release of our NEW JH x ST Red Holiday Rompers, we partnered with one of our biggest cheerleaders, Anupa King. Anupa was a featured #smashtessgirl back in 2019, but we just HAD to celebrate this release and the beginning of the holiday season with her this year!

anupa king in jillian harris red romper

With the holiday season looking a bit different this year, how are you planning on celebrating?

Gosh, what a time we’re living in right now. I really want to say we’ll be quiet at home with my family and while it’s the truth, it probably won’t be quiet. We recently put up our Hanukkah tree decor and the boys have been waking up every day with pure excitement and joy. 

The countdown has already started in our home since this year Hanukkah is early December. We decided that we’ll still have our usual 8 days of celebrations but it’ll be just us and while I’ll really miss having a house filled with people this year, I’m really looking forward to doing all the traditional stuff with my 3 boys.

 If there’s one thing that the last few months have really shown me is how much deeper we can bond when we’re stuck with each other. ;)

What are some tips for our readers on still celebrating with friends and family, but virtually?

All of my husband’s immediate family are in the US, mine both in the US and Guyana. FaceTiming has been hard, especially when so many milestones have been missed in person but with all my heart I know celebrating the upcoming holidays virtually will bring so much peace and comfort knowing we’re all staying safe and healthy. 

Our health and our family’s health has been my number one priority these last few months. Seeing their happy faces from afar and knowing we’re all doing our part with healing our world is the best thing we can do for ourselves. 

 That being said, I truly feel having a virtual holiday celebration provides the opportunity to make a whole bunch of new kinds of memories in all new kinds of ways. I mean think about all the conversations we’ll be having next year when we celebrate in person… “remember that zoom holiday cocktail hour costume hour we had last year” lol!

What do your usual holiday traditions look like?

On the first day of Hanukkah, we host at our home. It’s usually an all-day event (and last year we had a documentographer join us to capture all of it) There are loads of activities planned. Other than all the food prepared, the kids will spend time baking and decorating cookies and a Hanukkah themed gingerbread house followed by a game (or a few) of dreidel - the boys favourite part about this are the gold chocolate coins. :) 

Our home is filled with music and laughter and joy … lots of it, getting all teary-eyed thinking about how much I wish I could bottle up this feeling. The day winds down with opening our 1st day of presents (yep 8 days of presents) and lighting the first candle on our menorah while we all sing.

anupa king in jillian harris red hooded romper

What is your favourite thing about the holiday season?

Growing up in Guyana we never celebrated the holidays, my parents couldn’t afford it. We didn’t get presents or have a big feast, I reflect on it now and remember how happy we were even though we weren’t celebrating in the way others were. We had each other and we were loved. 

It wasn’t until I met my husband Andy did I really become part of a beautiful holiday tradition, a tradition that I now celebrate with my boys, a tradition that has not only allowed me to see how important family is but to feel loved and be loved.  

Do you prefer to give gifts or receive them? Why?

Nothing makes my heart the happiest than when I’m giving. I’m always being called the generous one with a big heart but the thing is, I feed off others happiness. I feed off positive vibes and energy, and if I can put a smile on someone’s face even when I don’t know them that alone gives me life. 

I think you have every colour in the Jillian Harris Rompers we've released! What do you think of the red?!

Hahah I sure do and I live in them. haha. AAAAHHHHHHH…. EEEKKKKK…. Ok, that’s me literally screaming as I type this. RED, this RED is my favourite colour. If you ask my boys what’s mommy’s favourite colour - they’ll both say red. Smash + Tess you always have my heart … but thank you for speaking directly to my heart with this one. :)

We love a matching moment! Do you find you try to match with your boys?

OMG I absolutely love matching with the boys, especially over the holidays. It’s something I (we all) look forward to so much for our holiday picture by the tree. ;)

anupa king in jillian harris grey hooded romper

What is your go-to for a last-minute gift?

Ok, I have a couple of last-minute ideas,

  1. The spa… when all else fails, send that special someone for a nice spa day… especially after the holidays - it’s a dream.
  2. I love, loveee giving my favourite go-to wines, ones that I would have drank all year long. Hahaha!

What is one thing you're grateful for this holiday season?

This question hit my heart because our holiday card this year is an image of my family standing at a waterfront in the city with the sun coming up behind us with the only word “grateful” written on it. These past few months have taught me so much about myself but most importantly about my family. I’m beyond grateful for my FAMILY and to be living every beautiful day with them.

You can shop the JH x S+T Holiday Collection HERE.

By Smash+Tess

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